According to Delhi Police, 1559 fatal accidents were reported in the last one year in which 1595 lost their lives while in 2013, the numbers of such road accidents were 1778 in which 1820 people were killed.
Police commissioner B S Bassi said that the force will soon launch a 'Traffic Commando force' under which there will be a dedicated unit of 20-25 bike-borne cops who will chase and catch traffic offenders like those involved in over speeding and zigzag driving.
"In 2006, 2178 persons had to loss their lives in 2135 fatal road accidents while in 2014, 1595 people were killed in 1559 such accidents," the report stated.
It also stated that 2110 deaths were reported in 2011, but these numbers dropped to 1866 in 2012.
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Police said that in 2009, 2325 persons were killed while in 2010, 2153 had to loss their lives.
The Police Commissioner also said that in order to curb fatal accidents caused by heavy vehicles, there is need to install a good quality Rear Underrun Protection Device (RUPD) in trucks so that such road accidents could be prevented.