On receipt of the money order (MO) and a letter by 27-year old Sudha who complained that a Village Administrative Officer (VAO) demanded Rs 3,500 as bribe for clearing the Rs 25,000 assistance, District Collector L Subramanian has initiated an inquiry, officials said today.
Appropriate action would be taken after the completion of inquiry, they added.
The woman in her letter said she had been running from pillar to post to get the funeral expenses, granted by the government to people below poverty line, and obtaining the death certificate of her father, who passed away on August 30, 2016.
"Daily we were asked to come the next day ... The revenue officials made us visit Ulundurpet Taluk office, the Collectorate and VAO's office...The officials said the amount will not be sanctioned unless Rs 3,500 was paid," she said.
Frustrated by the adamant attitude of the officials, the woman wrote to the District Collector and sent the money order for Rs 2,000 saying it was part of the amount demanded as bribe by the VAO.