Feroze piped Ananth Pittawala of Team N1 from Mumbai in a sensational finish, to win the second and final race of the day at Greater Noida's Buddh International Circuit (BIC) to seal the championships.
Ananth was in great form, having won the first race already and looked set to win the second as well, but Feroze obviously had other ideas.
This capped a memorable season for Feroze, where he won six out of the nine races spread over three legs across Chennai, Coimbatore and Greater Noida.
Feroze said: "This result was important to the team and me to convince us that we are on to good times. It is one thing winning a competitive tour once, and another to win as a defending champion.
"The pressure of expectations is something you have to live with in any competitive sport. The credit goes firstly to Radha Selvarajan, our chief tuner, who is so knowledgeable and such an inspiration and secondly to the entire team.