Government told Parliament today.
"In terms of information made available by the Ministry of Home Affairs and intelligence agencies, the China route has been used for FICN smuggling. Instances have also come to notice where FICN printed in Pakistan has been routed to India via China and Nepal route. This is an attempt by Pakistan- based FICN suppliers to devise new/alternative routes for injecting FICN into India," Minister of State for Finance Namo Narain Meena said in a written reply in Rajya Sabha.
Meena said that as per the Home Ministry, FICN is injected into India through a variety of rotues -- land, air and sea.
The Minister said intelligence and investigating agencies are making efforts to detect and neturalise all such networks.
The total FICN seizures in years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Upto June), as stated by the Minister, showed a steady increase and stood at Rs 27.82 crore, 29.40 crore, Rs 32.63 crore and Rs 16.29 crore respectively.