"It was the same BJP leader M Venkaiah Naidu who raised his voice in the Upper House and sought more years of SCS for development of Andhra Pradesh. And after coming to power (he) has been speaking in a negative tone on the issue and (Chief Minister) Chandrababu Naidu has joined the tune," party leader K Parthasarathi told reporters here.
YSR Congress is very firm that the special package is no substitute for SCS. The special package, of which the TDP-BJP duo has been "beating tom-tom in high decibels", has nothing new in it, he claimed.
"The incentives which come along with the SCS would have fetched more investments," Parthasarathi said.
"Despite the leaders of BJP and TDP trying hard to water down the SCS, we will continue our fight relentlessly till the goal is achieved," he warned.