Named "Behind the Lines/Between the Lines" - festival is being jointly organised with the Aseema Trust and would take place in Chennai, Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram, bringing together film makers, journalists and activists to share their experiences and to highlight their work, where free speech and tolerance were not always respected.
Pearl, Wall Street Journal South Asia bureau chief, was beheaded by militants in Pakistan in 2002.
Speaking to reporters here, Information Officer Emily S Fertik said every participant in this festival between October 10 and 26 in all three cities (three days in each city) would leave with a better understanding of physical and ethical challenges facing journalists and the media at large.
This film festival also would honour the memory of the hundreds of journalists and aid workers killed in the line of duty in the last year, including James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines and Alan Henning, she added.