The deceased has been identified as Supriya Meena from Surat district in Gujrat. Her mother was staying with her in her hostel room for the past week and had left for home only last evening.
According to sources, she was suffering from depression due to the pressure of studies.
Supriya also left behind a purported suicide note addressed to her mother, father and brother, in which she wrote that she is disturbed and is not able to concentrate on her studies and her preparation for the coming papers is not upto the mark.
On this, the lady security staff and the deputy security officer were alerted and they rushed to the room no 56.
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"They knocked the door but there was no response. The door was locked from inside, following which the Institute security personnel forced open the door and found her hanging from the ceiling fan," said Dr Y K Gupta, AIIMS spokesperson.
"Meena was a good student and had passed her first and second professional exminations in first attempt. However, she was unwell since 2010 and was under treatment in the AIIMS. The case is under investigtaion," Gupta added.
Sources say, she was undergoing treatment for depression in the AIIMS' Psychiatry department.
According to the students living in the same block, Supriya's mother stayed with her for the past one week and had gone back home only last evening.