The proposal to assemble AgustaWestland's Aw 119kx choppers has been kept pending repeatedly for over two years, without FIPB assigning any reasons.
"M/s lndian Rotorcraft Ltd, Mumbai has sought approval for (i) to incorporate the helicopter model as AW 119Kx in place of AW 119Ke, (ii) To change the foreign investor from M/s AgustaWestla nd N.V., The Netherlands to M/s AgustaWestland S,p.A, Italy as M/s Agustawestland N.V., The Netherlands merged into M/s AgustaWestland S.P.A, Italy, pursuant to an internal re-organisation through merger within the AgustaWestland group w.E.F January 1, 2014," FIPB said while granting the approval.
"IRL, the Joint Venture with AW (AgustaWestland), is for assembling AW119Kx helicopters. IRL will export the assembled helicopters to AW for it to sell to its customers. The Joint Venture is yet to begin operations. IRL has no connections with the Indian Air Force purchase of AW101 helicopters," the spokesperson had said in an email reply.
IRL sought the FIPB clearance for changing the model of the helicopter to undertake final assembly of Agustawestland's helicopter for export to global consumers or offered to India civil market.