HPCA has been, among others, accused of wrongfully getting land allotted out of the village common pool for building a hotel in Dharamsala.
Thakur claimed that HPCA had obtained every clearance from the various government departments and had legally registered itself as a company.
"We have registered as a company on a "no profit, no loss" basis under Section 25 of the Companies Act as done by most cricket associations in the country to avoid interference by state governments in their functioning," he said.
"If we constructed a restaurant at the (Dharamsala) stadium and a hotel ("The Pavilion"), it is to provide the necessary facilities for international cricketers," he said.
Thakur then dared HP Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh to call for a time-bound CBI probe into six pending cases of allegations against him, including into the controversial VBS files of the Union Steel Ministry when the latter had been heading it.