Harish Kumar was booked after investigations revealed that the imported goods, which were meant to be delivered in Delhi, were actually sold in Punjab, resulting in evasion of taxes, Punjab Excise and Taxation department said today.
Kumar imported cement from Pakistan worth over Rs 4 crore via the Attari-Wagah land route in the name of Delhi-based Kartika International, the Taxation Commissioner Anurag Verma said.
He said when goods which are to be sold in some other state, pass through Punjab, a transit entry is required to be made.
"Harish Kumar imported cement but fraudulently showed imports in the name of Delhi-based Kartika International," he said.
Verma said the accused would have to pay tax to the tune of Rs 62 lakh if he had accounted for actual sale.
Now, in addition to the due tax, he will be liable to pay penalty of 200 per cent, he added.