The incident took place at 12.45 PM when the two children, identified as Anmol and Munesh, aged between 6 and 7 years, and creche owner Sapna Seth were present in it. As the blaze spread, Seth jumped off the second floor in an attempt to save herself, leaving the children behind.
Head Constable Rituraj and Constable Jogendra and Jitendra, who were patrolling in the area, rushed to the site on getting the news of the fire. Jitender walked up to the second floor of a neighbouring house, broke open the window with his hands to enter the house on fire and saved the children, said a police official.
The policemen then found that the fire was coming out of a cylinder. In order to avert a cylinder blast, the policemen took out the cylinder and doused it.
Sapna Seth landed on the car of her neighbour and she sustained 60 percent burn injuries and is currently at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a city hospital, police said.
Police said the fire took place due to a leakage in the gas cylinder in the house.