New Delhi District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, presided by C K Chaturvedi, asked the United India Insurance Co Ltd to pay the amount to Delhi resident Neeraj Handa as it held it guilty of deficiency in service.
"We have considered the claim and find that firm has failed to produce the terms and conditions of policy issued to complainant (Handa) nor produced any evidence in support of explaining such terms and conditions to complainant.
"After hearing both the parties and considering evidence on record, we hold firm guilty of deficiency and direct (it) to pay Rs 44,000 incurred on treatment... And pay Rs 20,000 as compensation for deficiency, including litigation charges," it said.
Handa had told the forum that his son developed a problem in his eyes in May, 2010, and was taken to an eye hospital, where doctors planned two operations on him.
However, the firm repudiated the claim, following which he approached the forum.
The firm had told the forum that Handa's son was a afflicted by a congenital disease which was not covered under the policy.