Days after a 55-year-old mandied in a government hospital in Vijayawada, the Andhra Pradesh government on Friday confirmed that coronavirus was the cause of the death.This is the first coronavirus death reported in the state, where total number of positive cases rose to 161, out of which three have recovered.The man contracted the disease from his son, who returned from New Delhi after attending the Tablighi Jamaat congregation on March 17."The man came to the government hospital at 11.30 am on March 30 for health checkup. His blood swab was sent for examination and in the meantime he died around 12.30 pm.He was suffering from hypertension and cardiac problems besides being diabetic.The delay in confirming whether or not he died of coronavirus affliction was because of his other ailments," state nodal officer Arja Srikanth said in a release.The man's son tested positive for Covid-19 on March 31 and was kept in quarantine."We have identified 29 others who came in contact with him and they were also sent to quarantine," Srikanth added.Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister (Health) A K K Srinivas said over 140 out of 161 Corona positive patients in AP are related to the Jamaat."Of the tested 881 blood samples of those who attended the Jamaat event, 108 turned positive. Results of another 65 cases is awaited.Also, 32 of their contacts too tested positive for coronavirus," Srinivas told reporters after a high-level review meeting with Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy.The Deputy CM said of the 1,085 people who attended the Jamaat event from AP, 946 had since returned while the rest 139 were still away.Of the 946, only 881 have been traced so far, he added.