The 35-year-old Bhikha Lakha Shiyal died in a jail in Karachi on December 19 and his family was informed on January 4.
"Why the Pakistan government is not sending his body back to Gujarat even after passing of 48 days of his death? It could be his unnatural death under mysterious conditions in the jail which could be the reason behind such a delay," Bhikha's sister Sonaben told PTI over phone today.
"I am keeping both the minor children of my dead brother with me as he had asked me to look after them before he left for fishing into the Arabian Sea on October 25, 2013," a distraught Sonaben said.
Earlier, Bhavika had said that her father, in his last letter, had stated that he was well and there was no need to worry about him. Also, there was no mention of any disease he was suffering from.
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His sudden death has raised several questions and the matter must be investigated, she had demanded.
Lakha was among several Indian fishermen captured by Pakistan Marine Security Agency in October last year on charge of illegally straying into Pakistani territorial waters in the Arabian sea.
Earlier, the Gujarat government had also alleged that after a demand for probe into Shiyal's death was raised by his daughter, the Pakistani authorities were hesitating in sending his body back to India.
Rajya Sabha MP Parimal Nathwani had also written to the Centre requesting financial assistance for the two minor children of the deceased fisherman on humanitarian ground and ensuring early release of the body from Pakistan.