Priced at Rs 999 a month, the all-access app based pass is significantly cheaper than a regular gym membership and also provides users freedom from long-term contracts and yearly upfront payments, it said in a statement.
With over 1,250 gyms and fitness studios currently in its partner network in Delhi NCR, the company is scaling up its operation and plans to expand to other cities as well.
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As a part of the agreement, LBC Express will implement Ramco HCM integrated with Global Payroll across its global enterprise covering associates in more than 30 countries, Ramco said in a statement.
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L&T Technology Services COO Kumar Prabhas resigns * L&T Technology Services today said its wholetime director and Chief Operating Officer Kumar Prabhas has put in his papers.
Prabhas will be relieved from the services of the Company with effect from close of working hours on January 21, 2017, it added.
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SERV'D gets $100,000 grant from DFS
* SERV'D, a fin-tech platform, has received funding worth USD 100,000 from Digital Financial Service Lab (DFS Lab), an incubator backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
"The funds will be utilized to develop tech for new roles as well as drive activation for the existing product," SERV'D co-founder Jatin Agarwal said.
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