The films that are facing uncertainty are 'Bhalo Theko' directed by Goutam Haldar, 'Ekti Ashare Galpo' directed by Arindam Chakroborty, 'Ami Shaira Bano' directed by Rahul Mukherjee, 'Jale Jangale' directed by Nitish Roy and 'Kancher Deoal' directed by Anindyo Bandyopadhyay.
Actor Arijit Dutta, who is an important member of Tollywood fraternity Arijit Dutta, said that 25 per cent of the films produced in West Bengal were by chitfunds.
"So long directors and cast were preoccupied with the making of a film, it served everybody's interests as movies were being completed in a time-bound manner and being released. Now with the Saradha scam things may not be the same at least for some time," he said.
'Moner Manush' director Goutam Ghosh said, "Film directors interact with the film division of a company, chit fund or whatever, during pre-production, shooting and the post-production phase and it is not always possible for a creative person to ascertain the source of funds."
Director Kaushik Ganguly, whose 'Shabdo' won three national awards this year, said, "You can't put all chitfund companies in one bracket.
"Let the dust settle down and the guilty ones are fixed. It will help everybody rather than witch-hunting," he said.