According to PI Mandar Dharmadhikari, the incident took place on the night of September 23, when all these five men boarded a app-based call taxi to the Thane Civil Hospital, where the wife of one the accused was admitted.
On their way, all the accused in an inebriated condition began discussing among themselves about "blowing up" a hospital in Mumbai where large number of people undergo treatment, even as they referred to the terror scare in Uran.
A team of policemen rushed to the hospital and launched search operations which continued till the wee hours of September 24. However, they could not trace the suspects, the officer said.
Later, with the help of CCTV and inputs from the taxi driver, all the five men-- Sushil Jha (30), Nagendra Yadav (25) Sayed Shikalkar (35), Pradi Pisal (39) and Akhilesh Jha (29) --were taken into custody from Bhandup near here on the night of September 24.
Two accused among the five are history sheeters and small time criminals, the officer added.