According to the affidavit filed by Masood for contesting Lok Sabha polls, four cases were pending trials in Saharanpur courts and one in District Court in Lucknow.
The cases were filed under different sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC), including cheating (Section 420), forgery of valuable security (Section 467), forgery for purpose of cheating (Section 468) and voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty (Section 332) among others, the affidavit said.
The cases were registered between 2007 and 2013, the self-sworn affidavit said.
43-year-old Masood's 'highest' qualification, acording to his affiavit, is intermediate.
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Massod, who has declared movable and immovable properties acquired by him worth about Rs 2.14 crore, has not filed his income tax returns since 2007-08. He has shown income of Rs 4.45 lakh in his last IT return, according to the affidavit.
Masood was yesterday sent to jail by a court for 14 days after he was arrested for his hate speech in which he allegedly threatened to "chop" Narendra Modi "into pieces".