Assistant police inspector S G Kumbhar of the Shivaji Nagar police station told PTI that the accused used fake government rubber stamps departments to forge sales agreements and presented them to the bank to obtain a housing loan.
The police official identified the accused as Prashant Bhagwe, Pratigya Bhagwe, Ajay Angre, Sanket Kamble and Ravi Patil.
Allegedly, Prashant Bhagwe attempted to shown that he had purchased a flat in the Venus Co-operative Housing Society in Dombivli from Patil and fabricated records for the same to obtain a loan from the bank.
The case was registered yesterday afternoon after which Prashant Bhagwe was arrested, the police official stated.
All the five have been charged under Section 20, Section 465, Section 467, Section 468, Section 471, read with Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, the police said.