Five Tamil Nadu fishermen were on Sunday arrested by Sri Lankan naval personnel off Neduntheevu in the island nation for allegedly fishing in their territorial waters.
The Lankan personnel damaged their fishing nets and also took away GPS equipment, Fishermen's Association President S Emiret said.
He told reporters that the fishermen were taken early this morning to Kankesanthurai and would later be taken to Jaffna, to be produced at a court there.
About 2,500 fishermen had put out to sea in 619 boats on Saturday, he said, adding the arrested fishermen were among them.
The Lankan personnel damaged their fishing nets and also took away GPS equipment, Fishermen's Association President S Emiret said.
He told reporters that the fishermen were taken early this morning to Kankesanthurai and would later be taken to Jaffna, to be produced at a court there.
About 2,500 fishermen had put out to sea in 619 boats on Saturday, he said, adding the arrested fishermen were among them.