Additional Sessions Judge Virender Bhat, heading one of the fast track courts set up to try cases of sexual offence against women, freed Lokesh, Somvir, Tejpal, Amit Kumar and Manbir Singh saying the girl had "physical relations with the accused persons out of her free will".
"It is to be seen that the prosecutrix has not supported the case of the prosecution at all and has deposed against it. She has specifically stated that she was neither kidnapped nor beaten by any of the accused and that none of the accused committed rape upon her.
According to the prosecution, the five accused had kidnapped the woman on the intervening night of June 7-8, 2012 and had gangraped her in a moving car.
It said they were caught when they tried to flee after police stopped them at one of the pickets for checking their vehicle.
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Advocate Avneesh Rana for accused Lokesh, while seeking his release, had told the court that the woman in her statement herself said that she had consented to accompany the youths.
"In view of the aforesaid deposition of the prosecutrix, it was found futile to carry out the further trial of the case...," the judge said while ordering release of the accused from jail.
"The star witness for prosecution was the prosecutrix. However, she has turned hostile and did not support the case of the prosecution at all," the judge said.