The company said it also plans to invest Rs 35 crore in the next two years to open 50 outlets in the country.
"To add more visibility and vibrancy, FKS intends to rebrand Hyderabad House in an all new design, with a view of providing traditional culinary experience to its patrons in a semi QSR format," the company said in a statement without disclosing the size of the deal.
FKS said it would also bring on board a fresh team of expert professional chefs and traditional master chefs with rich and varied experience to prepare and offer the best food experience to its customers.
The company said it would open a flagship outlet here and envisages to open 50 new outlets across the country by investing Rs 35 crore in the next two years, through a combination of company-owned and franchisee route.
FKS Managing Director Khalil Ahmed said, "The deal would serve Food Krafters establish a firm foothold in the food retail industry. Hyderabad House fits well in our scheme of things and we intend to grow and expand using this brand name.