The tournament, which began yesterday at Kochugaon in Kokrajhar district, has been organised by the International Fund for Animal Welfare-Wildlife Trust of India (IFAW-WTI) in association with the Assam Forest Department and Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC).
The event is part of an attempt to strengthen the links between the forest department, local communities, NGOs and the media and other stakeholders and individuals who are working to save the elephants of Ripu-Chirang Elephant Reserve.
A signature campaign for promoting wildlife conservation in the region has also been organised as part of the ongoing initiative.
"Elephants are a very significant species that play an important role in the ecosystem. It is our responsibility to save them," said BTC executive member, Sabharam Basumatary.
"Poaching along with degradation of habitat and other anthropogenic pressures has left these pachyderms more vulnerable than before to extinction and it becomes vital to involve all communities in their protection," added WTI regional head, Dr Bhaskar Choudhury.