Journalist Adrian Levy, working for the Centre for Public Integrity in Washington, has levelled serious charges in a four-part investigative report against India's nuclear establishment.
New chief of India's nuclear programme Sekhar Basu, also director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, counters the allegations.
Excerpts from an interview:
Q) How much of truth is there in the charges levelled by Adrian Levy against the nuclear establishment?
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Q) So, who do you think is motivating Levy or trying to stall the Indian nuclear programme?
Q) Levy says that in Jadugoda where India has its uranium mines, they leak, and that there is a lot of radioactivity that comes out, and people are suffering because of that, you probably must have visited that area several times, what is your experience?
A) Whatever he has said is based on certain facts that earlier somebody has published. He must know that there was a suo moto case that was taken up by the judge and to that, we have given a reply. The details are available he can see the reply to see that if there is anything to be talked about.
Q) So you are saying, there is no leak of radioactivity
from the Jadugoda uranium mines of India. Is that the sum and substance?
A) Why should there be any leak, uranium is there in the soil, you are then taking the uranium out, at least part of it or most of it. If it was that much of concern we would have taken out even that uranium also.
Q) Levy also says India's nuclear reactors, the power reactors and we have over 21 of them, they leak radioactivity, they don't function even Kudankulam is not functioning for the last six months, so he says there is a lot of problem with our nuclear programme, you head the nuclear programme, do you think it is unsafe?
Where is the question of a leak, we have never had any incident like that, in Japan at Fukushima, that kind of incident can never happen to us. Our things are taken care off, everybody who comes including the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who came after the Fukushima incident he went, to see even the Tarapur reactor, he found that this is one of the safest reactors.
A) See, saying that everything is wrong is not at all correct, just now as you say that the American's are writing our reactors are not safe, so the very fact that we are taking lot of time to re-start the reactor is because of the fact that we want it to be super safe.
Q) So is the Kudankulam reactor safe? Is there something
wrong with the parts, have you been able to get the parts from Russia?
A) It is not something wrong with the parts, it is a normal procedure. Once you are boxing it up and it will be operational for one year continuously, you have to make sure that you inspect everything and where ever you have something or you suspect that [something] can go wrong or if some wearing has taken place, you replace it with a new one so that for the next one year you do not have any problems.
A) I am very sure that next month Kudankulam reactor will be going critical and towards the end of the month [January 2016] we should be able to synchronize it with the grid.
Q) What about Kudankulam unit 2, which is the second 1000 MW reactor at the same location, when can one expect that to start producing power?
A) We expect it go critical somewhere in April 2016 and after another one and half months because it is again for the first time it will then be synchronized with the grid. Therefore, by next June you will see it is feeding power to the grid.
A) As far as this secret bomb is concerned, I do not know what is this secret bomb? Is he aware what is required to make this secret bomb, yes uranium can be used theoretically to make bomb, but whether one should make bombs out of uranium is also something that I do not know.
See we have to supply uranium to our plants so if we do not make anything to process this uranium, how can we say that we will not do anything and keep quiet. The whole exercise to me is looking like an effort to slow down our programme. These types of things do not carry any meaning.