The auction was held at BSE 'ebidXchange' platform for allocation of investment limits in government debt securities worth Rs 2,674 crore. The auction attracted bids for Rs 5,653 crore.
At the end of two-hour auction this evening, 35 bids were declared successful.
The debt auction quotas give overseas investors the right to invest in debt up to the limit purchased.
The aggregate overseas investment in these securities has reached Rs 1,21,271 crore - 97.46 per cent of the total permitted limit of Rs 1,24,432 crore - as on November 28.
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The aggregate limit includes that of Foreign Institutional Investors, Foreign Portfolio Investors and Qualified Institutional Investors.
The last such auction was conducted on December 1, when debt securities worth Rs 3,041 crore received bids worth Rs 7,224 crore.
Almost all such auctions have received a robust response in the recent times and have been over-subscribed by multiple times, reflecting a huge demand among foreign investors for government debt securities in the Indian markets.
While the limit in the first category has been exhausted by over 97 per cent, the second category has also been used up by nearly 84 per cent.
Foreign investors are allowed to pump in a further USD 5.5 billion in treasury bills, of which nearly 14 per cent is used as of now.
The overall investment cap for debt securities stands at USD 81 billion (Rs 3,97,892 crore), which also includes USD 2 billion for commercial papers and USD 5 billion for credit enhanced bonds.
Of this overall limit, total investments and limits acquired by foreign investors currently stands at Rs 2,83,984 crore, which is over 71 per cent of the permitted limit.