Purna Chandra Nayak of Belapada was arrested and around 1000-meter electric wires, some bottles and bamboos were seized from Tangara reserve forest on Thursday during joint raids by personnel of forest department and power supply company Southco, said forest ranger, Buguda PK Sahu.
Five others who allegedly laid the wires to electrocute wild animals, however, managed to escape from the spot, he said adding the area was identified as one of the elephant corridors and a herd of seven elephants was roaming in the area.
Forest officials arrested at least three elephant poachers last year from Sorada area in the district.
"In a precautionary measure to prevent poaching of wild animals, particularly jumbos, we were disrupting power supply to the particular area with the help Southco after getting the information," Sahu said.
The power cuts were also made during the night, when the elephant herd camps near the villages, he said.