Farhan Akhtar, a resident of Mau district of Uttar Pradesh, had allegedly submitted the forged letter of the then Joint Secretary in the PMO, Sanjay Mitra, dated July 31, 2010, to the vice chancellor of Lucknow's Integral University recommending that he be given admission in an engineering course.
Vice Chancellor SW Akhtar suspected the genuineness of the letter and referred the matter to the PMO, which informed him that the letter was forged.
"After investigation, a charge sheet was filed on June 28, 2013, against said accused (under charges of cheating and forgery among others)... In the Court of Special Judicial Magistrate, CBI Cases, Lucknow. A supplementary chargesheet... was filed on March 7, 2014, against said accused and another accused in the court," stated a CBI spokesperson.
She said that in the event of non-appearance, the court had issued a non-bailable warrant against him.
Akhtar was earlier arrested in the case on November 21, 2012, and released on bail after three days.