Replying to a calling attention notice, Tripura Health Minister Badal Chowdhury said as many as 40 samples of fishes were collected by designated officers from February 8 to 25 from different markets and out of the 40 samples, formalin was found in 11 samples tested by experts of Regional Food Testing Laboratory here.
The Minister said the government has taken sufficient steps to keep close eye on the use of formalin in fishes produced locally and imported from Bangladesh.
Government has initiated a process to appoint Food Safety Officer in each sub-division to ensure proper vigilance on food adulteration.
Explaining the legal provisions under the Food Safety Security Act & Rules 2011, Chowdhury said if anyone is found guilty under the Act, the defaulter may face a penalty of Rs one lakh to Rs 10 lakh or imprisonment or both.
Sessions judges are designated to hear such cases and dispose it at the earliest, he added.
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