While turning down the bail plea of senior IAS officer Kumar, Vigilance Court judge Madhukar Kumar also denied bail to the officer's brother Mukesh Kumar and sister-in-law Manju Kumari in the same case.
A 1987 batch IAS officer, Kumar was arrested on February 24 last by a Special Investigation Team for his alleged role in the leakage of the question papers for the clerical grade recruitment examination.
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had ordered cancellation of the BSSC examination for clerks recruitment in state government departments on February 5 last.
Nearly 35 officials and individuals who worked as agents in the exam racket have been nabbed in the case so far.
The BSSC examination issue had kicked up a controversy with the surfacing of the names of two ministers and some legislators for sending SMS to the Commission's secretary seeking favours for their candidates during recruitment of the auxiliary nurse midwife (ANM).