The CBI has registered a case against former National Institute of Technology director P K Bose for allegedly committing criminal misconduct in the purchase of products for college and causing a loss of nearly Rs 1.10 crore to the exchequer.
According to the CBI case filed at its Shillong branch, Bose, during his tenure, ordered purchase of a software for mathematical and engineering departments from a private firm at a price of Rs 20.54 lakh, despite a similar product being sold to a Thiruvananthnapuram-based government organisation for Rs 14.20 lakh.
In other purchases for the electrical and engineering department, an order for furniture of Rs 48.54 lakh was given to a Kolkata-based private firm. It was followed by another six similar orders without proper tendering procedures being followed, the CBI alleged.
Bose and "unknown officials" have been booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) dealing with criminal breach of trust and cheating, besides a section of prevention of corruption act pertaining to criminal misconduct.