At a conference held on the premises of Jagannath Temple at Tygaraj Nagar here by the forum 'The Intellects', speakers voiced their concern over the Odia language losing its sheen and said it was the responsibility of Odia people to make every effort to promote the language, which is spoken by 85 million people, including 45 million globally.
The speakers urged Odia parents to teach their children the language and inculcate in them a habit of interacting in their mother tongue.
The forum also has plans to open a knowledge centre in the national capital and provide Odias with Odia newspapers and magazines. There is a proposal to also open a library which exclusively houses Odia books. The forum also aims to help Odia students and youth develop communication skills for better career opportunities.
The forum's convener, Devraj Mohanti, appealed to Odia people to donate Odia books and magazines for the proposed library and make the mission a success.