The accused persons were identified as Chhitaranjan Dalia(35), former Sarapanch of Genja panchayat, his two brothers - Tukuna(27) and Mitu(25), and Mitu Gouda(25) of the same village, said Inspector In-Charge of Sorada police station S K Jena.
Two others were also involved in the incident that occurred about three months ago, said the IC adding "We have identified the other two accused persons. They are working outside the state. We are trying to nab them."
The woman lodged an FIR against them when they allegedly put the photos in public places on November 23.
"After the incident, the accused persons allegedly blackmailed the woman demanding money. They also asked her not to disclose the incident to anyone. When she did not meet their demands, they put up her photos," the police said.