Trailing them by a single stroke in fifth position is Chandigarh's Saaniya Sharma at three-over 75. The Rs 6 lakh event will culminate on October 7.
Hero Order of Merit leader Vani Kapoor had an indifferent start to her round, carding bogeys on the 1st, 5th and 8th holes, with a lone birdie on the 9th in her front nine.
She played with much more control in the latter half, carding two birdies on the 15th and 16th holes, while dropping shots on the 10th and 13th.
Jaipur's Afshan Fatima is placed 6th with a score of four-over 76 after the first round. She carded a birdie on the 15th while dropping shots on the 6th, 10th and 12th along with a double on the 9th.
Pune's Shweta Galande and Delhi's Ankita Tiwana were tied 7th with identical scores of five-over 77, followed by Kolkata's Siddhi Kapoor and the Bengaluru duo of Nikki Ponappa and Trisha Sunil in the 9th position with identical scores of seven-over 79.