Kotwali Police Station in-charge Mukesh Gaud said a speeding SUV fell into the nullah (large drain) on the bypass of Jabalpur-Jaipur highway after knocking down the woman and her son.
"A speeding SUV dragged a woman and her two-year-old son, who were standing by the side of road, and then fell into a nullah. Both woman and child died in the incident. Besides, two persons travelling in the SUV also died after it drowned in the water," he added.
The woman was returning to her home along with her husband Bhagwan Singh after attending Raksha Bandhan celebrations at her mother's home, he said.
Gaud said that two other deceased, who were travelling in the SUV have been identified as Anil Nair (40) and Mangalram (35).
"We have registered a case and investigating further into the incident," he added.