The move came after an 11-year male rhino Sahdev was killed by two other male rhinos Bheem and Nakul on January 24 last.
"In the light of the killing of Sahdev, the park administration has decided to translocate four aggressive rhinos including Bheem, Nakul and Kartikey from Rhino Reintroduction Area (RRA) of south Sonaripur range to RRA of Belrayan range," deputy director of the park V K Singh told PTI.
"Apart from RRA in south Sonaripur range which spans in an area of 27 sq km area, another RRA of around 14 sq km stretch has been developed at Bhadi Tal in Belrayan range which is not very far from the existing RRA," he said.
He said the habitat conditions of both RRAs were identical and the rhinos would not face any problems.