"The cadres surrendered before Narayanpur Superintendent of Police Amit Kamble at Benur police station of the district," Additional SP N K Sahu told PTI over phone.
Those arrested have been identified as - Ajay (21) and Bharat (22), the members of Kudur LOS (Local Operating Squad) of Maoist, Vinod (32) of Chinahri Sarkar Raksha Sakha and Sudha (23), a member of Kohkameta platoon no.1 of ultras.
They all were involved in several cases of crime ranging from loot, arson and murder in the region, Sahu said, adding, that of them, Vinod was active for past several years.
Sudha also claimed that she was abused, humiliated and beaten by senior naxal functionaries at times and was often denied basic facilities, Sahu said.
They will be rehabilitated as per the government policies, he added.