Additional District Judge of the fast track court P K Karna while pronouncing the verdict also imposed a fine of Rs 2,000 on each of the four convicts, including two sons of the slain Jaga Padiami (55), village head of Balampalli in MV-79 area.
The convicts were Raju Padiami (24) and Ganga Padiami (32), both sons of Jaga from his first wife, and his relatives Durga Padiami (26) and Raja Padiami (28), government advocate Bhabani Mishra said.
According to prosecution, Raju and Ganga took their father to a gram sabha on February 7, 2011 for settlement of a property dispute. Following an argument at gram sabha, the duo beat up Jaga and dragged him to nearby river bank where they strangled him with the help of the two relatives.
The four were arrested on February 13, 2011 and the verdict was delivered on the basis of statements of 13 witnesses and other evidences, Mishra said.