shook the national capital in the wee hours today, jolting many people out of bed.
However, there were no reports of any casualty or damage to property in the tremors.
The quake measuring 2.5 to 3.3 on the Richter scale hit the city within a span of three hours, between 12.41 AM and 3.40 AM and the epicentre was in South Delhi.
The epicentre of all the four quakes were at a depth of 10-11 KM and situated at 28.4 degree North Latitude and 77.4 degree East Longitude, Indian Meteorological Department said.
The first quake, measuring 3.1 on the Richter scale occurred at 12.41 AM, while three more tremors of 3.3, 2.5 and 2.8 magnitude on Richter scale occurred at 1.41 AM, 1.55 AM and 3.40 AM respectively, the IMD official said.
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According to the Fire Department, they did not receive any report of damage in the city.
Many people ran out of their homes when the tremors shook buildings.
"I was sleeping when I felt the house was shaking, I got up and woke my family members and ran out of the house, but as soon as we returned another tremor hit," said Rajan Rishi, residing in Paryavaran complex area.