Subrata Dutta, a driver, was arrested today after a team of Bidhannagar Police laid a trap at the Railway station acting on a tip-off which stated that he was trying to flee, a senior police officer said.
While Dutta was absconding, three other accused were nabbed from a hideout at Haroa in North 24-Parganas district, a day after the alleged gangrape took place.
They were identified after the police examined CCTV footage of the crime, which has been preserved as an evidence, he said.
She was waiting on the road for transport when three to four persons forced her in an SUV. They allegedly assaulted her and then took turns to rape her in the moving vehicle, police said.
The woman was dumped on the roadside in an unconscious state at Sector-1 in Salt lake and was rescued by a mobile unit of police in early hours of the next day.
An FIR was lodged with the Electronic Complex Police Station under Salt Lake Sector-V against four to five unknown persons on the basis of her statement given to the police alleging gangrape.