The movie adaptation of 'The Silver Chair', which is the fourth book of seven novels published in the fantasy series, will be produced by Mark Gordon and Douglas Gresham, said the Hollywood Reporter.
"As we prepare to bring the next book to life, we are humbled and excited to contribute to the outstanding legacy of Narnia," Gordon said.
"I have a great deal of respect for Mark Gordon's work and am confident that together we can bring the beauty and magical delight that Narnia engenders in the hearts of those who read the books to the screen in The Silver Chair," Gresham said.
"The Silver Chair" is set 50 years after the action of Dawn Treader. This is the first Narnia book which does not feature the adventures of any of the Pevensie children Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.
The book rather focuses on their cousin Eustace which allows the franchise to continue with an entirely new cast.