Fox's Bill O'Reilly and CNN are both on her list. Kelly, in an interview with Charlie Rose to air on CBS' "Sunday Morning" this weekend, said she wished O'Reilly had done more to defend her when he interviewed Trump before a January debate that the Republican skipped because he wanted Kelly removed as a moderator.
She also wishes CNN hadn't aired portions of a Trump rally on the night of that debate.Her remarks laid bare tension between Fox's two top personalities. O'Reilly's prime-time show has been the most-watched on cable news for many years, but has been challenged recently in the ratings by Kelly, whose show airs directly after his.
Late yesterday night, he tweeted: "Is it possible for @megynkelly to cover anyone but Donald Trump on her terrible show. She totally misrepresents my words and positions! BAD."
In his interview, O'Reilly asked Trump to reconsider missing the Fox debate in Iowa, but it was noted by many that he didn't rush to defend Kelly when Trump attacked her during the interview.
Kelly called it a "dark moment" and said she would have done more to defend O'Reilly if the positions had been switched.