"Allocation of satellite capacity free of cost to (the) Government of Andhra Pradesh in violation of the Department of Science policy resulted in loss of Rs 19.16 crore, including Rs 4.02 crore paid to foreign satellite owner for the period from July 2003 to March 2013," the CAG said in its audit report of ministries related to science and environment.
Holding DPS responsible for "incorrectly" blaming the vendor for damage to the equipment even though it was established that damage had occurred during transit, the auditor said DPS did not take any action to pursue insurance claim which later lapsed as it was valid for six months.
In its audit of the Department of Science and Technology, the CAG has highlighted how two autonomous organisations under it paid legal fees of Rs 83.55 lakh to a Kolkata-based advocate without verifying actual attendance in court.
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"The fact remains that although the issue was initially reported by Audit in July 2013, neither any preliminary enquiry nor filing of criminal cases was reported," it said.
Indicting the Department of Space, the CAG said its Space Capsule Recovery Experiment-2 mission was delayed by more than five years even after incurring expenditure of Rs 30.66 crore and parachutes and floats procured for Rs 52 lakh exceeded their shelf life, resulted in "wasteful expenditure".