Directed by Academy Award-nominated director Richard E Robbins, the documentary tells the stories of nine girls from different parts of the world who face arranged marriages, child slavery, and sexual abuse.
Despite these obstacles, the girls break barriers and create change by getting an education.
Besides Freida, Hollywood A-listers like Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Liam Neeson, Cate Blanchette, Selena Gomez and Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra have lent their voice to the film.
"I keep getting asked this question - Why education? Why did I choose to support education and the answer to that is quite simple because I had one. I am standing here today because I had the education I wanted and I cannot thank my mom and dad enough for that," she added.
Freida says what appealed to her the most about the movie is that none of the girls are projected as victims but survivors.