Hours after the agency raided the office of former OSD of Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain over alleged illegal appointments, Kejriwal sought to turn the tables on Prime Minister Narendra Modi by raking up the Sahara Birla papers, an issue over which he has been targeting the PM.
The confrontation comes a day ahead of the swearing in of former Union Home Secretary Anil Baijal as LG of Delhi.
Kejriwal taunted Modi saying the 2015 CBI raid in the Delhi secretariat had thrown up "four mufflers" and that even the cost of the raid could not be recovered. Modiji had found a corrupt only in me at that point, Kejriwal said.
"Today he (Modi) got a raid conducted on Satyendar Jain. But we are not going to be scared by your CBI," Kejriwal said.
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"You levelled false charges against my wife as well. , used foul language against a woman. We are not scared of any probe but there has to be a crime," Gupta tweeted.
Kejriwal alleged that the CBI has filed "seven FIRs" against Jain and "two" against Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, but did not elaborate.
CBI carried out searches at the office of the former OSD of Jain in connection with alleged irregularities in his appointment at Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalya and subsequently as an aide to the Minister.
"Since October, he has not been holding any official post in the Delhi government as Health Minister Satyendar Jain had discontinued his service. Aggarwal had been appointed on contractual basis," the official said.
Reacting strongly, Jain tweeted, "CBI raided my office today. We will not bow down by these acts. Why not investigate
Sahara Birla Diaries.