Lok Sabha, which did not transact any business during the last two working days (Monday and Tuesday) on the coal block allocation and 2G spectrum issues, was adjourned for the day today as a mark of respect to sitting Trinamool Congress member Ambica Banerjee who died this morning.
The Upper House was adjourned thrice over the issue of coal block allocation as members from BJP repeatedly trooped into the Well and shouted slogans against the government.
Due to the adjournments, a short notice discussion on atrocities on women and girl child in the country could not take place.
Members from Left, SP and AGP also protested on different issues.
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Left members held banners on the multi-crore chit fund fraud in West Bengal displaying posters that read "protect interest of subscribers and agents of Saradha Chit Fund scam," while AGP members protested the proposed transfer of land to Bangladesh.
SP members trooped into the Well raising the issue of Chinese incursion soon after the House met for the day.