Prime Minister Narendra Modi's chances of getting re-elected in the 2019 elections have slipped from 99 per cent in 2017 to 50 per cent, says economic analyst Ruchir Sharma, noting that a fragmented opposition is showing signs of coming together.
The BJP won with 31 per cent vote share in 2014 because the opposition was fragmented, seat share was disproportionate and its vote was concentrated, said the New York based columnist and economist who is working on his new book Democracy on Road.
The 2019 elections are going to be a complete toss up. If I was a betting person, this time last year I would say chances of Modi getting re-elected were 99 to 1, which basically means it was a done deal yes, it appeared that way after the UP election wave.
However, the odds have shifted dramatically. Now it is a 50:50 election and a lot is going to come down to alliances again. The opposition, from being totally fragmented, is now actually showing signs of coming together