"A breezy comedy, highlighting the new age Bengali films, the fresh pair of Arjun and Amrita (Chattopadhyay) is a pleasure to watch. But Arjun has lot more things to learn as a young actor," Sabyasachi said at the premier of 'Janla Diye Bou Palalo' here.
Arjun, drawing parallels with Jodi Love Dile Naa role of a young age couple related to another generation, explained no two roles can be similar.
"In Jodi Love Dile Naa Prane I essay more of a catalyst reuniting their parents of a previous generation. In Bonkubabu again I play the pampered para boy of a joint family. Contrasting shades and lots of things to learn," Arjun said.
"But I have certainly lots of things to work on my acting skills. May be my theatre background will help" he said.
Jodi Love Dile Naa Director Abhijit Guha, belonging to the same generation of film makers, said, "Janla Diye Bou Palalo iself has a rib-ticking flavor and the receptive but discerning Bengli audience is hooked to all kinds of clean entertainers, a far cry from the brawny masala flicks."
The romcom, released last Friday, was produced by Jalan International Films.