Histamine, a food-borne toxin, is formed as a result of time and temperature abuse of certain fish species that can cause illness to consumers.
Inviting public comments, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in a draft notification said it has proposed amendment of the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, toxins and Residues) Regulations, 2011, to include histamine forming fish species in the list of 'other contaminants'.
The regulator has proposed a revised list of fish species having potential to cause histamine poisoning.
This apart, the regulator has proposed histamine limits for fish and fishery products like fish pickle, frozen Finfish, battered and breaded fishery products, among others.
It said the limits would be applicable to the enlisted fish varieties with potential to cause histamine fish poisoning as well as fish species with high amount of free histidine, the food regulator said.
FSSAI has sought public comments on the issue within 30 days, after which the final notification will be issued.