Singh, who is all set to make his Bollywood debut in upcoming film 'Fugly', along with other actors Kiara Advani, Mohit Marwah and Arfi Lamba were in the city for the promotion of the film.
'Fugly' is a comedy drama-cum-thriller directed by Kabir Sadanand and produced by actor Akshay Kumar.
"The film revolves around four friends and how this carefree bunch get caught in an incident, which takes them slowly into the big bad world of corruption and politics," Lamba said.
Replying to a query, Advani said, "Even children of established actors cannot succeed without talent. Talent is required for a film."
Vijender Singh said that after winning a number of prestigious awards in sports he now wants to give his acting skills a chance.
The film is set to release on May 16.