"We are aiming to double the revenue to Rs 2,000 crore in India by 2020-21 from Rs 900 crore in 2014-15. The company expects a revenue of Rs 1,150 crore in this fiscal," Fujifilm India Managing Director Yasunobu Nishiyama told PTI on the sidelines of Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair (CEIF) 2016 here.
India is one of the fastest growing markets and percentage growth is higher here as compared to large markets of the US and Europe and the company expects around 15 per cent growth in the next few years period, he said.
"Going strong with the launch of the Instax series last year, we are targeting Rs 60 crore in revenue from the instant camera range alone for this fiscal and looking forward to achieve Rs 120 crore in the next fiscal," he said.
The company is engaged in distribution of digital cameras, medical systems, graphic systems, photographic film and paper, photofinishing products, and pressure measurement film through its 300 distributors.
Fujifilm has displayed its latest products ranging from cameras, camera equipment, printers and a new concept called- Wonder Photo Shop at the CEIF 2016.